
The information contained in this website is for informational purposes only. It is not and should not be construed as legal advice. Seek the advice of professional counsel before acting or relying upon any article, form, or information in this website. The Law Office of Leif Kleven expressly disclaims all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the contents of this website.

The Law Office of Leif Kleven does not seek and will not accept legal representation based upon this communication in a state or country where this communication fails to comply with all laws and ethical rules.

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Contacting Us
If you choose to contact The Law Office of Leif Kleven please do not provide any confidential information. Your written communications to an attorney who does not represent you may not be confidential or privileged. The Law Office of Leif Kleven cannot treat you as a client or advise you on any legal matter until we have determined there is no conflict of interest and until we have specifically agreed to represent you or advise you. E-mail may be used to request an attorney to call you to discuss the possibility of establishing an attorney-client relationship.

You are urged not to send us any information contained in any email or message submitted through a website that you believe is highly confidential until such time as we have indicated to you that we are able to review that information. By submitting a message through this website you agree that you are submitting an unsolicited email information to us does not constitute a request for legal advice and that you are not forming an attorney-client relationship with us.

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Future Results
By featuring specific cases or client testimonials on this site, we do not imply or guarantee that you will receive similar results. Past results achieved for our clients do not guarantee future results. Absolutely no promises of any outcome should be implied based upon any information contained on this website. The Law Office of Leif Kleven cannot and does not promise any specific outcome in any case.

2024© Law Office of Leif Kleven - All Rights Reserved

The information contained in this website is for informational purposes only. It is not and should not be construed as legal advice. Seek the advice of professional counsel before acting or relying upon any article, form, or information in this website. The Law Office of Leif Kleven expressly disclaims all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the contents of this website.

The Law Office of Leif Kleven does not seek and will not accept legal representation based upon this communication in a state or country where this communication fails to comply with all laws and ethical rules.

No Attorney-Client Relationship
There is no attorney-client relationship established through this communication, including the submission of any information through this website. Establishing an attorney-client relationship requires an agreement that is signed by both the firm and the client. Do not include any confidential or sensitive information in comments regarding this communication. Information sent through this website is not guaranteed to be secure and is to be considered non-confidential.

Contacting Us
If you choose to contact The Law Office of Leif Kleven please do not provide any confidential information. Your written communications to an attorney who does not represent you may not be confidential or privileged. The Law Office of Leif Kleven cannot treat you as a client or advise you on any legal matter until we have determined there is no conflict of interest and until we have specifically agreed to represent you or advise you. E-mail may be used to request an attorney to call you to discuss the possibility of establishing an attorney-client relationship.

You are urged not to send us any information contained in any email or message submitted through a website that you believe is highly confidential until such time as we have indicated to you that we are able to review that information. By submitting a message through this website you agree that you are submitting an unsolicited email information to us does not constitute a request for legal advice and that you are not forming an attorney-client relationship with us.

You recognize that our review of your information, even if it is confidential and even if it is transmitted in a good faith effort to retain use, does not preclude us from representing another client directly adverse to you, even in a matter where that information could and will be used against you.

Future Results
By featuring specific cases or client testimonials on this site, we do not imply or guarantee that you will receive similar results. Past results achieved for our clients do not guarantee future results. Absolutely no promises of any outcome should be implied based upon any information contained on this website. The Law Office of Leif Kleven cannot and does not promise any specific outcome in any case.